Brodmann's Interactive Atlas

AREAS 13, 14, 15 & 16*
(Insular Cortex)

Associated Functions
*These areas were not included in Brodmann's original map of the human brain, but are analagous to the location of the monkey's insular cortex.  

Reviewer's note

The insula represents one of the most interesting and under-studied cortical areas. From the cytoarchitectonic point of view, it is quite heterogeneous: agranular in the anterior part and granular in the posterior region. It receives information from the ventral medial nucleus of the thalamus, the ventral posterior inferior nucleus of the thalamus, and the central nucleus of the amygdala. Reciprocal connections exist between the primary somatosensory cortex and the insula. The wide diversity of functions observed with fMRI studies (pain, temperature, touch, olfaction, taste, language, memory, emotion, etc) emphasizes its tremendous heterogeneity. Evidently, further research is required to pinpoint the participation of different insula areas in so diverse brain networks.  fMRI studies have significantly contributed and continue contributing to our understanding of the insula functions.

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