Brodmann's Interactive
(Posterior inferior
temporal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, and fusiform gyrus)
- Language
- Memory
- Visual
- Sustained attention to color and shape (9497430)
- Other
Reviewer's note
It is well known that BA37 is involved in
lexico-semantic associations (i.e., associated words with visual
percepts). Clinical observations have demonstrated that damage in
the left BA37 usually results in word-finding difficulties and semantic
paraphasias. Therefore, it is not unexpected that functional studies
found that left BA37 participates in semantic categorization, word
retrieval, word generation, face-name association, and attention to
semantic relations. Its participation in sign language is not
unexpected either, as well as BA37 participation in some aspects
of reading (e.g., single letter processing and orthography-phonology
link), because visual-language associations are involved. The basal
aspect of BA37 corresponds to the fusiform gyrus, which is indeed an
extension of the visual association areas, and has visual functions.
Hence, BA37 involvement in complex visual functions, such as face
recognition, and structural judgment of familiar objects is not
surprising. It is known that prosopagnosia (acquired inability to
recognize faces) is the result of brain pathology involving the right
fusiform gyrus (temporal-occipital) or both fusiform gyri. BA37 seems
to be also participating in some memory circuitries, particularly when
visual information is involved. In the experiments about
“attribution of intentions” there is a complex
pattern of brain activation, and BA37 involvement may be tangential.
reasoning studies have shown a complex brain network responsible for
this particular executive function, including
BA21/22/24/32/37/45/46/47; BA37 activation (as well as the activation
of other language-related areas) is simply supporting the linguistic
underlying nature of the task. Disturbances in drawing (constructional
apraxia, or simply visuoconstructive disorder) are observed in cases of
right hemisphere pathology, and according to fMRI studies, drawing
activates right BA37.