Interactive Atlas
temporal, Fusiform and Parahippocampal gyri)
- Language
- Lexico-semantic processing (Left) (15200701, 14969780)
- Metaphor comprehension (Left) (15268917)
- Semantic ambiguity comprehension (Right) (17142061)
- Language comprehension and production (Left) (10725191)
- Selective attention to speech (Left) (15183402)
- Visual
- Visual fixation (15548215)
- Integration of visual elements into perceptual wholes
(Right) (11931928)
- Memory
- Dual working memory task processing (Right) (15204056)
- Other
- Attribution of intentions to others (10679187)
Reviewer's note
Usually, BA 20 is not included as part of Wernicke’s area.
Indeed, different authors describe Wernicke’s area in not
completely coincidental way: some authors only include the posterior
part of the superior temporal gyrus (BA22); some authors include the
superior and middle temporal gyri; and there are authors that even
the angular gyrus of the parietal lobe as part of Wernicke’s
area. Functional neuroimaging studies suggest, without question,
that BA20
should also be considered as part of Wernicke’s area. Left BA20
participation in language understanding and processing is
evident: lexico-semantic processing, metaphor comprehension,
language comprehension and production, and selective attention to
speech. Additionally, BA20, as part of the fusiform gyrus, also
participates in some types of visual processing: in the integration of
visual elements into perceptual wholes (single objects). BA20
in the “attribution of intentions” seems to be marginal.