to functional neuroimaging techniques BA4 participates in three
different groups of functions: Motor, somatosensory, and “others”
(“verbal encoding during a non-semantic process”, “attention to
action”, and “motor memory for visual landmarks”). Motor
function is the traditional function, and occasionally it has been
reported that the primary motor cortex reacts to sensory stimulation.
Nonetheless, in these cases the primary motor activation is found in
addition to a more extensive pattern of activation, obviously
including sensory areas; that is, the BA4 may some times be included
in a brain circuitry supporting sensory perception; BA4 activation
may reflect in those cases the implicit representation of a potential
movement. This implicit representation of movements can also account
for “attention to action” and “motor memory”. The
participation in “verbal encoding during a non-semantic process”
is probably tangential, considering that it becomes activated
(in addition to frontal and temporal networks) only during
“successful encoding”, suggesting a certain role in the
attentional process (increased muscle tone?)
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